Have you ever experienced a creative block? This condition is generally felt by artists in various fields when they encounter an impasse in their work. A stalemate in work can occur due to several things. Check out the information about creative blocks below to discover the triggers and how to overcome them.
What are creative blocks?
creative blocks is a state of mind that prevents you from producing creativity at a higher or even common standard. Everyone, at some point or another, has experienced a creative block.
This condition is also known as art block, writer's block, or blank canvas syndrome. A clear example of creative block is when you start doing your usual creative activities, such as designing or making work, but you stare at a blank page without knowing what to make.
Causes of Creative Blocks
There are many triggers for the creative block to occur in an artist. I am starting from personal problems to the emergence of disgust in carrying out the creative process. However, in general, the cause of stalemate in work is due to the following four things.
Stress or feeling unhappy
The ability to create something is often associated with our external circumstances and when these conditions produce stress or unhappiness. It can bring the creative process to a halt.
For example, a pandemic situation has caused many people's activities to change drastically. In addition, work pressure from superiors can also cause stress so that we cannot produce the latest work.
The idea is in the "incubation" period.
Creativity can be described as when we plant a flower. There is a cycle involving conception, bud growth until it develops, observing an object or idea in its physical form, and death.
This cycle repeats itself in all visual forms at different rates. The creative block you feel is not a barrier but the period needed to develop an idea further before it can grow.
Ideas that come sometimes are only raw and immature. Therefore, don't be sad when a deadlock comes because the idea could grow and develop properly. Keep the picture from being too plain and executed correctly.
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Too many ideas
Creative people are known as people with lots of ideas. But did you know that too many opinions can make someone experience a creative block? Generally, this situation is not considered an obstacle; sometimes, the more ideas one has, the more difficult it is to decide. These conditions complicate the creative process.
The number of ideas is sometimes not worth your time and energy. So the challenge is to choose carefully how to spend your precious time. We must select creative ideas that are essential to explore and develop further.
Fear of imperfection
One of the most common reasons for creative block is the fear of imperfect work resulting in feeling like you're not good enough to see an idea.
Many creatives consider themselves perfectionists. This can prevent them from pursuing ideas or completing projects. Please note that the reality is that nothing is perfect. The only correct way is to "perfect" the work created.
How to Overcome Creative Block
After knowing the cause, you now have the right to know how to overcome creative block. Get rid of the frustration because of the feeling of deadlock and try to do some things for "healing." Prepare to do some of the items below to bring back your creative side.
Digital artists, many of them spend their time just glued to the computer screen. Many works can be created using a computer, visual works such as illustrations and audio works such as songs, and audio-visual works such as films or music videos.
When experiencing a creative block, sometimes all you need to do is go back to basics. Typography and graphic designer Gerard Huerta recommends, "When you get stuck, step away from the computer and draw. It will help you."
Get out of your daily desk routine and try walking with a cute sketchbook like Sketchbook for Watercolor (Custom). You might be surprised at the ideas flowing through your head when you swap your glowing computer screen for a pen and paper.
If you get to the point of being angry or annoyed when you see artwork tools, then leave that object. Take a break from trying so hard to be creative and do repetitive activities that have nothing to do with your job.
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You can start and enjoy gardening, sports, or cooking. Choose something that takes time and is repetitive so you can get distracted. Then let your mind wander and feel calm down.
Keep in mind that creativity cannot be forced.
If nothing works for your creative work, here's the ultimate tip: don't force it. Author Adam J. Kurtz has advice for other artists.
He says that forcing ourselves to 'be creative' is pointless. It is remembered that creativity is not a manual skill one does or doesn't do but a series of emotional and mental tasks that sometimes don't come together.
Find new inspiration
The truth is that inspiration is everywhere. Just looking at other people's work can bring new inspiration. For example, when you see something whose conditions differ from what you do daily. Immerse yourself in it and get new ideas from that inspiration.
Don't be afraid to cross existing boundaries.
The first step you need to do is not to put a barrier on yourself even if there is fear, because your skills may disappear. Henri Matisse said that "creativity requires courage."
The ccreative blocks you're experiencing is a sign that, deep down, you're afraid to take the next step and do something new and different from what you usually do.
It takes courage to get creative and get new ideas out there. Find out what you are afraid of. What's holding you back from crossing the line? Once you overcome that fear, you will generally overcome this creative block condition. It's time to push the boundaries of what you're used to.
Such is the information about the creative blocks that often occurs in artists. Remember that we are human beings who are not always in a prime position. Sometimes there are times when we are in an unwanted place, such as experiencing a stalemate in our work. Come on, be productive, and stay healthy!
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